
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sweet Corn Fritters

Sweet corn is a type of maize which contains more sugar than any other maize varieties. Sweet corn is packed with protein, dietery fibre, carbohydrates, thiamine, vitaminA, Vitamin C and folates. Other than vitaminC all the other nutrients in sweetcorn remains intact even after cooking.
Since sweetcorn is good source of folate it reduces homocysteine level in the body. Homocysteine is responsible for many heart diseases. Studies have shown that adequate consumption of folate could reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. To read more about sweet corn click here.
I used to buy canned sweetcorn everytime which is handy and makes life much easier but this i saw in market some fresh sweetcorn, i got them and i just steamed it. It tasted so amazing, far better than the canned ones. I almost finished more than half of the sweetcorn before making the recipe, so if possible try to use the fresh one which increases the taste of this fritters.
Recipe adapted from the book  Recipes from around the world.
Makes about 10 to 12 fritters
1 whole sweetcorn steamed and kernels removed separately
Plain flour- 100 g
Spring onion-2 chopped
Red chilli falkes- 1 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/2 tsp
Water- 3 tbsp
Salt as required
Oil for frying
Add all the ingredients in a large bowl except oil. Mix all the ingredients together. Heat a non stick pan, pour a tabelspoonfull of batter in the pan. Leave oil around the edges. Keep the flame in medium, allow it to cook for 3 minutes, turn the other side and cook for further 2 minutes. Repeat it with remaining batter.
Serve the fritters warm . I served the fritters with chilli peanut sauce, you can see the recipe below.
You can also serve it with ketchup or any salsa of your choice.

Chilli Peanut Sauce:
Roasted peanuts- 100 g
Dried red chilli-2
Coriander seeds-1/2 tsp
Coconut milk- 75 ml
Salt as required
Oil- 2 tsp
In a dry pan without any oil roast dry chilli and coriander seeds until it releases a aroma. Grind it along with coconut milk, peanuts and salt to a smooth paste.
Heat oil in a pan, pour the mixture to the pan and boil for 1 or 2 minutes.
Serve the sauce along with fritters.
This recipe goes to the event Veggie/ Fruit A Month - Corn hosted by Torview originally started by Priya.
This recipe also goes to the event Wholesome Whole Foods, to view the details click here.
It also goes to the event Vegetarian Foodie Friday and Two For Tuesday.


  1. crispy fritters, great. loved that chutney as well

  2. That is something I really love! A wonderful combination. Yummy!



  3. Oh yum!! Corn fritters sound delicious...and the recipe is just in time for a sweet corn crop that will be popping up in the next couple of weeks. Thanks so much for sharing it with Two for Tuesdays this week =)

  4. I love fritters! These sound and look really yummy! Thanks for sharing this with Wholesome Whole Foods. It'd be great to see you back next week!

  5. Wow, the fritters look great !!!

  6. Beautiful fritters, looks awesome Umm..

  7. Crispy fritters.. Looks great..

  8. I've never made corn fritters. I kid you not. My kids don't like corn so I just haven't. But these look especially good with that dipping sauce. Yum yum! Thanks for linking and I hope you'll come by again!

  9. delicios fritters with delicious sauce

  10. delicious fritters ayesha.. really a perfect tea tome sanck

  11. I have never made fritters - what a delicious way to use up leftover sweetcorn (if you actually have any - I never do). I will be buying some extra to try this.

  12. Yum yum yummy! Corn fritters are so good because they are corny and sweet too! Lovely! I am now following your blog! Thanks for sharing on the two for tuesday recipe blog hop! :) Alex@amoderatelife

  13. Thank you everyone for spending your valuable time to visit my blog and leave your lovely comments.
    Thank you Chirsty and Clark Clan for visiting my blog and following me:-)

  14. These fritters look wonderful. Nothing is quite as good as sweet corn. We will be getting fresh corn soon and this is a great recipe to use it in.

  15. I had a dish similar to this in San Fransisco one time. They were so sweet/crunchy/poppy/yummy. Thanks for bringing this recipe to Two for Tuesdays!


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